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Multiple speakers
How to use Technology to Enhance the Client Planning Experience
Guest Expert: Multiple Presenters, PreciseFP, Bento Engine, and fpPathfinder

In this special session, see how three cutting-edge tools can help to enhance the client experience: PreciseFP, Bento Engine, and fpPathfinder. First up will be PreciseFP that helps planners gather essential life data, such as marriage, children, and cash flow, while ensuring compliance and efficiency, and seamlessly flows into your CRM. Next, fpPathfinder will show how it uses the client data to organize many different planning scenarios, offering checklists, flow-charts, surveys and more to identify key issues for your prospects and clients and guide them along the way. Then Bento Engine will showcase how it utilizes the gathered CRM data to provide automatic, proactive, and actionable advice, complemented by shareable content. 

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How to use Technology to Enhance the Client Planning Experience 02-15-2024

Attendees Rating:

Excellent (75%)
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Attendees Comments:

A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:
I especially liked the fpPathFinder tool. I could see how this could come in handy to make clients' annual reviews more valuable and productive.
- Rick F.

I like to stay current across multiple areas, and I learned a number of things today. I am particularly interested in Joe Moss and the community he seems to be building thru Pro Advisors Suite. Bring him back!
- Maria R.
A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:
I especially liked the fpPathFinder tool. I could see how this could come in handy to make clients' annual reviews more valuable and productive.
- Rick F.

I like to stay current across multiple areas, and I learned a number of things today. I am particularly interested in Joe Moss and the community he seems to be building thru Pro Advisors Suite. Bring him back!
- Maria R.