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Users Comments:

A few comments from listeners:

Great information about communication styles (e.g. NVC, Conflict Styles)! Physiological Arousal was a really interesting topic that I was also not aware of.
- Jacob S.

Great insight on financial mediation - when to and how to use it. Super interesting!
- Donna G.

I learned more about the options for designations for financial therapies. My wife is a clinical therapist and we regularly talk about these types of therapies and this provided more information for me.
- Jared B.

I like this Humanistic Psychology approach. I also was glad to hear John Gottman's info.
- Gorinda R.

I liked the suggestion to have a counselor that clients can be recommended to. Really loved the orange story.
- Megan G.

I think this is an excellent program for those more analytical as CFPs because we do not have the strong skill set to recognize a lot of these areas
- Martin B.

Really outstanding information... And what a delight she is! Positivity was awesome. Thank you for bringing her to the lineup.
- Russ H.

"The info re: Zoom fatigue was helpful. I continue to do a fair number of virtual meetings, even for clients who are local - suspect they like the convenience of not driving to office. I haven't really thought about whether I have suffered from Zoom fatigue - this gives me some points to consider, perhaps I have and hadn't even realized it.

Agree that non-verbal perspective is lost. We do try to encourage clients to have their video on, and most do - so we are able to at least get some visual feedback."
- Meg C.