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Users Comments:

A few comments from listeners:
Great information, as always, from Larry. I need to do some planning with tax rebates for future home improvements.
- Kevin P.

I think a question of new clients (and current ones) should refer to any plans related to the provisions of the IRA. There are lots of things that could certainly impact clients' bottom lines, and if you are saving them money, you are paying your fee!
- Marjorie D.

Great overview of the many coming changes
- Dawn D.

I was surprised how much of the bill focused on energy rebates. As someone who decided to push off some house work until next year, I will be speaking with my tax accountant to ensure we scoop up all those credits and see if we can have a few finishing touches in 2024 to get another rebate for the new year. Also, with a client who was just diagnosed with a cancer relapse and will be starting Medicare next year in the middle of her treatments, we'll need to check qualifications for the $2,000/monthly limit
- Aaron S.

Great presenter.
- Fran T.

It will be helpful to inform our clients of the potential energy tax credits they can take advantage of and when it would be appropriate for them to do so.
- Charlotte M.

He is the best!
- Heidi D.

Larry is always fantastic and has great presentation format and skills.
- Marian J.

Larry is consistently excellent and presents what is very dry information in an interesting and engaging way. More Larry, please!
- Joan O.

Larry is great. timely topic.
- Dean J.

Larry was excellent! I joined late and am disappointed I did. I will definitely tune in next time he is on!
- Jacob S.

Lots of great information and resources here! Thanks!
- Barbara B.

Loved all the details and summary of when to look into for client
- Nandi P.

Outstanding presenter--also has common sense
- Annette P.

That's a lot of information!
- David C.

The introduction to the IRA was great. Now I have some good information for tax credit planning.
- William C.