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Users Comments:

A few comments from listeners:
Speakers exceeded my expectations. Great job! Bring them back again. Would like to hear more real life stores and examples of how to integrate the approaches with overall estate and gift planning, and traps to avoid.
- Susan B.

Eye opener on how complex the rules are with just "one little thing" throwing out what most people think happens.
- Larry F.

All of it was new for me - very helpful to get a basic review of programs, trusts, etc.
- Jenny B.

I learned about the ABLE account. I'm new to Special Needs planning and had not heard of that before.
- Ria J.

Kevin clearly knows this subject and he is obviously passionate about it
- Edward L.

(I learned) The importance of being able to learn how to have the difficult conversations with clients with these special needs. As uncomfortable as it may be, it has the ability to prevent great financial & emotional difficulties later on in life.
- Ben Z.