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Users Comments:

A few comments from listeners:

Very well done. David is an excellent researcher, presenting his findings succinctly and effectively.
- Ray G.

Great program. Enjoyed the way facts were presented.
- Rick F.

David's statement that a client's "stated" retirement date can be vastly different from their "actual" retirement date was very helpful!
- Scott S.

Found it interesting that stats showing people retiring on average 3 yrs sooner than they targeted.
- Meg C.

He did a great job and brought some really key points to think about and discuss with regards to retirement planning.
- Edward L.

I found the longevity discussion very interesting. I will be incorporating individual longevity estimates for clients going forward. Also found the stated vs actual retirement age for clients to be useful and will be incorporating it going forward.
- Ronald K.

David was an excellent presenter. Bring him on more.
- George E.

The likelihood of retiring before planned was eye-opening. I'm also going to start using dynamic longevity in my projections.
- Mark W.

The title suggested a different take on retirement; however, this was much better than I was expecting.
- Bruce W.