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Attendees Comments:

A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:

Better clarity on where the challenges arise from moving between advantage and standard Medicare with medigap
- Douglas T.

My understanding of Medicare was expanded. In particular the need to review Medicare arrangements annually and the effect of the IRA on Part D plans. The goals of the course were achieved.
- Mark Z.

The Medigap coverages and the new costs associated with the aging pool of participants. Also the new costs associated with the new laws for 2025 - very interesting to say the least.
- William B.

The formulaic change going into effect today. Reminder about the differences in MediGap vs Advantage. The way drug plans are closing to get around the government limitation on raising premiums. The commissions being paid for MediGap vs Advantage to the agents.
- Aaron S.