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John Thompson
11 Factors to Consider: To Carry a Big, Long Mortgage...or Not
Guest Expert: John Thompson, CLA, CDLP and Todd Ballenger

This webinar featured the founder of Borrow Smart University, Todd Ballenger, and Certified Liability Advisor John Thompson providing a detailed review of 11 factors all financial advisors should consider when advising clients on how much they should mortgage and which mortgage is best suited for them. 

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05.10.2023 - Mortgages

Attendees Rating:

Excellent (88%)
Average (11%)
Below Average (1%)

Attendees Comments:

A few comments from listeners:
Agree with Tom on one of the slides - great piece to convey changes over time in income and rent vs mortgage.
- Kimberly N.

Great presentation, I'm also a mortgage and financial advisor and the thinking and visuals provided were outstanding in how to grow wealth by having a larger mortgage. Slides will help counter the beliefs around having high mortgage debt.
- Marian J.

Get financial advisors involved with clients long term goals. These classes are outstanding!!
- Thomas S.

Loved that idea that the asset is growing whether you prepay or not and the slide with the income asset rent and growth info.
- Lauren C.

Very nice reminder regarding the allocation of cash and leverage. Thanks !!
- Lauren P.
A few comments from listeners:
Agree with Tom on one of the slides - great piece to convey changes over time in income and rent vs mortgage.
- Kimberly N.

Great presentation, I'm also a mortgage and financial advisor and the thinking and visuals provided were outstanding in how to grow wealth by having a larger mortgage. Slides will help counter the beliefs around having high mortgage debt.
- Marian J.

Get financial advisors involved with clients long term goals. These classes are outstanding!!
- Thomas S.

Loved that idea that the asset is growing whether you prepay or not and the slide with the income asset rent and growth info.
- Lauren C.

Very nice reminder regarding the allocation of cash and leverage. Thanks !!
- Lauren P.