Annuity industry veteran Scott Stolz will provide an excellent review of fixed and indexed annuities that covers important features, understanding the typical buyer, decisions to consider when buying an indexed annuity, how caps and interest rates work and much more. This is a can't miss if you want to understand annuities.
Scott is Head of Insurance Solutions for SIMON Markets, where he is creating the annuity industry’s first one-stop platform for financial professional’s annuity business. Prior to joining Simon in January of 2021, Scott served as the President of Raymond James Insurance Group for 15 years. In that capacity, he was responsible for Insurance and Annuity Sales, Marketing, Operations and Due Diligence for Raymond James; 9000+ financial professionals. Previous to joining the distribution side of the business, Scott spent over 20 years in various sales, marketing and operations capacities at Jackson National Life, AIG/SunAmerica and North American Security Life.