Common Sense Strategies for Your Caregiving Clients:
Guest Expert: Denise Brown, Caregiving Years Training Academy
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Common Sense Strategies for Your Caregiving Clients: 01-22-2025
A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:
I did not know about the NEW services under Medicare B and will definitely start communicating this with clients and other advisors.
- Heather C.
Lots of great resources for clients facing caregiving situations.
- Elizabeth L.
Medicare Part B services that must be "prescribed" by a physician.
- Louise S.
I did not know about the NEW services under Medicare B and will definitely start communicating this with clients and other advisors.
- Heather C.
Lots of great resources for clients facing caregiving situations.
- Elizabeth L.
Medicare Part B services that must be "prescribed" by a physician.
- Louise S.
Attendees Comments:
I did not know about the NEW services under Medicare B and will definitely start communicating this with clients and other advisors.
- Heather C.
Lots of great resources for clients facing caregiving situations.
- Elizabeth L.
Medicare Part B services that must be "prescribed" by a physician.
- Louise S.