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Denise Brown
Common Sense Strategies for Your Caregiving Clients:
Guest Expert: Denise Brown, Caregiving Years Training Academy

In this webinar, caregiving advocate Denise Brown discussed the financial and emotional challenges faced by family caregivers, emphasizing how their caregiving responsibilities often lead to significant out-of-pocket expenses and impulsive financial decisions. She also explored strategies for advisors to guide clients toward goal-aligned financial choices and highlighted how caregiver coaches, potentially covered by Medicare Part B, can provide valuable support throughout the caregiving journey.

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Common Sense Strategies for Your Caregiving Clients: 01-22-2025

Attendees Rating:

Excellent (86%)
Average (7%)
Below Average (7%)

Attendees Comments:

A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:

I did not know about the NEW services under Medicare B and will definitely start communicating this with clients and other advisors.
- Heather C.

Lots of great resources for clients facing caregiving situations.
- Elizabeth L.

Medicare Part B services that must be "prescribed" by a physician.
- Louise S.


Wed, 01/22/2025 - 10:02

A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:

I did not know about the NEW services under Medicare B and will definitely start communicating this with clients and other advisors.
- Heather C.

Lots of great resources for clients facing caregiving situations.
- Elizabeth L.

Medicare Part B services that must be "prescribed" by a physician.
- Louise S.