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01.18.2022 - Split Social Security

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Does a Split Strategy make sense with Social Security
Presented by Larry Kotlikoff,
Larry Kotlikoff

Here are ideas that the attendees learned from Larry:

SS claiming is very complicated given the number of scenarios exist. With respect to webinar topic of split filing, Larry highlighted the benefits and risk of such a strategy. I took away the importance of assessing risk aversion for a couple in the decision-making process – thanks

I liked the idea of discussing the results when someone decides to go with the "odds" and is wrong.  Are they so wrong their whole life changes?  Room for middle ground.  Applies to SS, investments, and annuities

File and suspend still available for participants born prior to 1954

I hadn't thought much about the risk in the choice.

I never thought about mortality only cash flow

If live to 68 have more SSA options.

More complicated than I thought and I knew it was complicated   I bought the software a couple years ago and found it helpful

That I should focus on projected life expectancy of both spouses when determining whether to use the split strategy. 

The idea of even considering a "split strategy" as well as more clarity on spousal and widow(er) benefits.

This is a topic I need more education on.

You have to run the numbers to see the net effect of Social Security decisions.

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