Empowering Financial Advisors to Support Giving Circles 09-05-2024
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Empowering Financial Advisors to Support Giving Circles
Presented by Emily Rasmussen and Michael Goldman, M.A., CFP®
In this webinar, financial planner Michael Goldman and Emily Rasmussen from Grapevine.org talked to financial advisors who are passionate about supporting their clients' charitable goals. They helped them discover how they can help create impactful giving circles tailored to the unique needs of the next generation, entire families, or like-minded individuals within their client base.
"Enjoying hearing about the Giving Circle, a great way to encourage people to contribute. Nice to have options to remind or reinforce giving.
Emily was amazing, great concept."
- Kathleen P.
Giving Circles are perfect for furthering my philanthropic efforts and those of many clients and friends
- Daniel G.
Small groups can accomplish a lot when it comes to donating to things that are important to them.
- Robert G.
I was not aware of Giving Circles. They are a great idea, similar to the Kiwanis club I am a member of. We provide grants and services to people and organizations. Giving Circles are a great version of that concept.
- Dennis R.