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03.14.2023 - Longevity

Attendees Rating:

Excellent (90%)
Average (18%)
Below Average (2%)

Missy Davis

Wed, 03/15/2023 - 11:25

A few comments from listeners:

Eye opening on the hurdles such as low returns, higher taxes and inflation along with living longer and less social security.
- Tony D.

Great topic and Ric's comments further validated my approach to planning. Understanding the demographic shift and disruptive technology and communicating that to clients was a new must have.
- Michael C.

I'll continue to recommend disability insurance and life insurance. While many diseases will be eliminated, there will still be some illnesses that will prevent someone from working, such as mental health issues. Thanks for a great session.
- Loretta L.

I love ChatGPT and am excited to incorporate it into my practice. I have started a sort of "study" group or mastermind group with my Second 50 client group and plan to incorporate some of the future trends #s and concepts; already ordered Rik's books and signed up for his crypto course to better understand.
- Kathleen A.

Longevity planning is going to be the norm, not the exception. We only have a few plans running to 100 but should probably update everyone's to reflect that.
- Charles M.

"Interesting question above, re: tech advances and life expectancy. We will see tech advances, and those advances will have a major impact on life expectancy over time. However, for those who are already at an advanced age, the tech of the next ten years may not have a significant on their life expectancy.

Continuing above: ""running out of money"" comes from not knowing how much you can safely spend, or choosing not to keep spending below that amount. If you spend less, you ""should"" be fine"
- Michael H.

Many of us have absolutely no or very little knowledge on Cryptocurrency and/or Blockchain assets for Seniors. This was an Excellent Presentation !!!.
- Alan K.

There was so much info about the coming age that I was unaware of! Ric was effective in his communication style and content. Thank you! That was one of the most insightful webinars that I have ever attended. I was glued to the screen and mesmerized by its content
- Tom M.

The pace of change is happening faster than anyone can imagine. Ric did a good job in painting the extrapolation picture with facts, figures, etc. He sounded the alarm that our thinking around planning needs to refresh much sooner than might have been expected. I am going to suggest to my planning team that we increase the male/female life expectancy defaults that we are currently using in our plans.
- Wayne W.
Financial Planning in the Age of Longevity
Presented by Ric Edelman, Digital Assets Council of Financial Professionals
Ric Edelman

In this highly rated webinar, Ric Edelman, the nation’s most highly acclaimed financial advisor helped listeners to discover:
* Why we’re living longer: 100 years ago, we lived an average of 47 years.​Today, according to the Society of Actuaries, we’re living on average 89 years.
* That many of the leading causes of death today will no longer be around in just 10 or 15 years.​
* What people plan to do with an additional 10-20 years of retirement (and how to make their money last)
* How an emerging technology, focused ultrasound, already approved by the FDA for 7 treatments, has the potential to transform medicine directly related to tumors or disease
* That by 2035, 47% of today’s current jobs will no longer exist
* Why Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities and Shared Housing are two of the biggest trends in retirement living
* Why more seniors are happily aging in their own homes
* Why 7 in 10 middle class Americans will need Long-Term Care (and if it makes sense for you to buy LTC insurance)
* Why “Gray divorce” is a growing trend in America (and how people are planning for it)
* Why the Social Security Trust Fund may run out by 2032 (and cut your future benefit)
* Why traditional sources of retirement income (pensions, Social Security, investments) won’t carry your clients through a long retirement

Attendees Comments:

A few comments from listeners:

Eye opening on the hurdles such as low returns, higher taxes and inflation along with living longer and less social security.
- Tony D.

Great topic and Ric's comments further validated my approach to planning. Understanding the demographic shift and disruptive technology and communicating that to clients was a new must have.
- Michael C.

I'll continue to recommend disability insurance and life insurance. While many diseases will be eliminated, there will still be some illnesses that will prevent someone from working, such as mental health issues. Thanks for a great session.
- Loretta L.

I love ChatGPT and am excited to incorporate it into my practice. I have started a sort of "study" group or mastermind group with my Second 50 client group and plan to incorporate some of the future trends #s and concepts; already ordered Rik's books and signed up for his crypto course to better understand.
- Kathleen A.

Longevity planning is going to be the norm, not the exception. We only have a few plans running to 100 but should probably update everyone's to reflect that.
- Charles M.

"Interesting question above, re: tech advances and life expectancy. We will see tech advances, and those advances will have a major impact on life expectancy over time. However, for those who are already at an advanced age, the tech of the next ten years may not have a significant on their life expectancy.

Continuing above: ""running out of money"" comes from not knowing how much you can safely spend, or choosing not to keep spending below that amount. If you spend less, you ""should"" be fine"
- Michael H.

Many of us have absolutely no or very little knowledge on Cryptocurrency and/or Blockchain assets for Seniors. This was an Excellent Presentation !!!.
- Alan K.

There was so much info about the coming age that I was unaware of! Ric was effective in his communication style and content. Thank you! That was one of the most insightful webinars that I have ever attended. I was glued to the screen and mesmerized by its content
- Tom M.

The pace of change is happening faster than anyone can imagine. Ric did a good job in painting the extrapolation picture with facts, figures, etc. He sounded the alarm that our thinking around planning needs to refresh much sooner than might have been expected. I am going to suggest to my planning team that we increase the male/female life expectancy defaults that we are currently using in our plans.
- Wayne W.