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05.03.2023 - Reverse Mortgage

Attendees Rating:

Excellent (90%)
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Missy Davis

Thu, 05/04/2023 - 13:43

A few comments from listeners:
I feel like Reverse mortgages are becoming more popular with the aging population. I am planning to start exploring options for my clients.
- Amber M.

Great idea for a neighbor who is in poor health living with her elderly parents and is unsure of how to maintain the home if they predecease her.
- Ria J.

Session provided great details on nuances of HECM that assist in clarifying my knowledge about how HECMs work
- James M.

Thank you for this presentation. I am glad to have a resource on reverse mortgages.
- Kristin R.

There are opportunities incorporate Reverse Mort into my Financial Planning practice.
- Myles N.
How Government Guarantees work with Reverse Mortgages
Presented by Joe DeMarkey,
Joe DeMarkey

Reverse mortgage industry leader Joe DeMarkey explained what the government insurance (i.e. FHA) means for reverse mortgage clients, to include the guarantee that clients will continue to receive payments from their reverse mortgage, even if their home depreciates or the lender goes out of business. Joe also explained the pros and cons of a second type of reverse mortgage, a.k.a. Jumbo or Proprietary Reverse Mortgages.

Attendees Comments:

A few comments from listeners:
I feel like Reverse mortgages are becoming more popular with the aging population. I am planning to start exploring options for my clients.
- Amber M.

Great idea for a neighbor who is in poor health living with her elderly parents and is unsure of how to maintain the home if they predecease her.
- Ria J.

Session provided great details on nuances of HECM that assist in clarifying my knowledge about how HECMs work
- James M.

Thank you for this presentation. I am glad to have a resource on reverse mortgages.
- Kristin R.

There are opportunities incorporate Reverse Mort into my Financial Planning practice.
- Myles N.