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Interesting Budgeting Tool
Guest Expert: Clay Raterman, Fina

Join Clay Raterman, co-founder of Fina, for a look at their budgeting tool that has a very user-friendly design. If you and/or your clients use budgeting tools, OR hope to use these kind of tools, you should check out this webinar. Similar to Mint, YNAB, Monarch et al., Fina helps you track your finances by utilizing industry-leader Plaid to connect to your bank accounts, credit cards, et . But what Fina does is allow you in a way that suits your needs by creating custom reporting pages and allowing users to build a tracking system that aligns with their preferences. For those who prefer not to set up their system manually, Fina offers pre-built templates and an AI feature to answer your financial questions.

This is a great session to stay abreast of today's personal finance tools.

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Interesting Budgeting Tool 07-18-2024

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