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Lee Slavutin
Life Insurance Planning in 2024: A Guide For Financial Advisors
Guest Expert: Lee J. Slavutin, MD, CLU,

In this session with life insurance expert Lee Slavutin, MD, CLU, he reviewed life insurance basics including policy types, financial ratings, and policy audits. This webinar also took a look at advanced planning techniques including gifts to insurance trusts, split dollar, premium financing, and the sale of a policy from a retirement plan. Lee’s unique medical qualifications are an important part of his specialty, which is serving high net worth individuals seeking substantial life insurance policies. Lee is a well-known public speaker and educator for the legal and accounting professions including the American Law Institute/American Bar Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

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01.09.2024 - Life Insurance

Attendees Rating:

Excellent (90%)
Average (10%)
Below Average (0%)

Attendees Comments:

A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:
I learned a lot about the Business side of using life and also buy/sell agreements which I am just now getting comfortable with.
- Robert G.

Using life insurance and trusts to address potential estate tax exemption sunset
- Skee O.

To better use the insurance companies for advice and design, Glenn Daily
- Peter V.

Policy audits, hybrid LTC, Split Dollar Plans
- David W.

Connelly case on split dollar
- Scott L.

One of the better webinars I have been on. I am in the industry so having an expert who really is up on the trends and issues was very welcoming.
- Dennis B.
A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:
I learned a lot about the Business side of using life and also buy/sell agreements which I am just now getting comfortable with.
- Robert G.

Using life insurance and trusts to address potential estate tax exemption sunset
- Skee O.

To better use the insurance companies for advice and design, Glenn Daily
- Peter V.

Policy audits, hybrid LTC, Split Dollar Plans
- David W.

Connelly case on split dollar
- Scott L.

One of the better webinars I have been on. I am in the industry so having an expert who really is up on the trends and issues was very welcoming.
- Dennis B.