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Mastering Rental Property Strategies in eMoney: A Comprehensive Guide for Financial Advisors
Guest Expert: Michelle Riiska, eMoney

Michelle Riiska led a session on effectively modeling rental property strategies in eMoney, including 1031 exchanges. The webinar covered data entry, scenario planning, debt and equity analysis, tax considerations, and comprehensive reporting to help advisors integrate rental properties into client financial plans.

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Mastering Rental Property Strategies in eMoney: A Comprehensive Guide for Financial Advisors 01-30-2025

Attendees Rating:

Excellent (86%)
Average (14%)
Below Average (0%)

Attendees Comments:

A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:

I learned how to look at the multi-view in the Plans tab of eMoney! also it was good to see the "deconstructed" way to model the buy/sell of a rental property.
- Tiffany W.

Modeling rental properties scenarios in eMoney and verifying if inputs are correct, what reports to check, what to look for. Great presentation! THANK YOU!
- Larissa K.

Start calendar year one year before on schedule so you can add any previous depreciation - brilliant! A lot of this was solidifying information that I so-so know.
- Tanisha C.

This webinar helped me better understand real estate transactions, like 1031 exchanges, in Decision Center. I also learned how to properly account for depreciation on properties that have already existed.
- Chris V.


Thu, 01/30/2025 - 12:56

A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:

I learned how to look at the multi-view in the Plans tab of eMoney! also it was good to see the "deconstructed" way to model the buy/sell of a rental property.
- Tiffany W.

Modeling rental properties scenarios in eMoney and verifying if inputs are correct, what reports to check, what to look for. Great presentation! THANK YOU!
- Larissa K.

Start calendar year one year before on schedule so you can add any previous depreciation - brilliant! A lot of this was solidifying information that I so-so know.
- Tanisha C.

This webinar helped me better understand real estate transactions, like 1031 exchanges, in Decision Center. I also learned how to properly account for depreciation on properties that have already existed.
- Chris V.