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Scott Levin
The Premature Demise of the Trust-Based Estate Plan
Guest Expert: Scott Levin, J.D., LL.M, MBA, CFP®, ChFC®, CAP®, MCEP®, Wescott Financial Advisory Group

Due to the high federal estate tax exemption amount and portability, many estate attorneys, CPAs, and financial advisors had shifted away from trust-based estate planning. In a session led by financial advisor Scott Levin, J.D., LL.M., MBA, CFP®, participants explored the advantages and applications of trust-based estate planning, emphasizing its importance even when estate taxes were not a primary concern, and examined real-life scenarios where trust-based plans provided long-term financial protection and flexibility.

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The Premature Demise of the Trust-Based Estate Plan 01-16-2025

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Attendees Comments:

A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:

That going back to funding the By-Pass Trust may be something to think about even in light of the large exemption. So many attorneys and planners have kind of abandoned the Bypass due to portability and the availability of second step up. But, I did hear some compelling reasons to reconsider that process.
- Cindy B.

Using trusts for pet care/guardianship. Never even thought about that! And a lot of refreshing knowledge, which is always beneficial as the memory fades.
- Tanisha C.

The need to consider trusts for heirs that have disabilities.
- Libby M.


Thu, 01/16/2025 - 13:23

A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:

That going back to funding the By-Pass Trust may be something to think about even in light of the large exemption. So many attorneys and planners have kind of abandoned the Bypass due to portability and the availability of second step up. But, I did hear some compelling reasons to reconsider that process.
- Cindy B.

Using trusts for pet care/guardianship. Never even thought about that! And a lot of refreshing knowledge, which is always beneficial as the memory fades.
- Tanisha C.

The need to consider trusts for heirs that have disabilities.
- Libby M.