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Paul Hamann
Guest Expert: Paul Hamann, RCReports, Inc.

In this webinar, Paul Hamann, a leader in the field of compensation, reviews key court cases, IRS guidelines, preparer penalties, and some of the obscure weapons the IRS has put in place regarding reasonable compensation for S corps. Paul bunked common myths on how reasonable compensation should be calculated and replaced it with facts and methodologies that the IRS relies on.

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Reasonable Compensation For S Corps 02-27-2024
Reasonable Compensation For S Corps Q&A 02-27-2024

Attendees Rating:

Excellent (95%)
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Below Average (0%)

Attendees Comments:

A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:

He busted some common myths I've heard (from tax accountants, no less) about how to come up with reasonable compensation
- Jered S.

As a tax preparer, I had little knowledge of this somewhat important topic and now understand what it is and the importance of balance in an S-Corp and/or even an LLC.
- Lori B.

I leaned a number of "new" ideas. In particular the development of the IRS approach to the reasonable compensation was one.
- Mark Z.

This is a complicated issue that many CPAs and Financial Advisors are probably not as informed as they should be. One of the best topics and presenters you have had.
- Daniel S.
Missy or Tom,
Please send me the handout for "Reasonable Compensation for S Corps" that Paul talked about in his presentation for figuring out reasonable compensation.
Thank you.
Bruce A Zirpel
A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:

He busted some common myths I've heard (from tax accountants, no less) about how to come up with reasonable compensation
- Jered S.

As a tax preparer, I had little knowledge of this somewhat important topic and now understand what it is and the importance of balance in an S-Corp and/or even an LLC.
- Lori B.

I leaned a number of "new" ideas. In particular the development of the IRS approach to the reasonable compensation was one.
- Mark Z.

This is a complicated issue that many CPAs and Financial Advisors are probably not as informed as they should be. One of the best topics and presenters you have had.
- Daniel S.

Sun, 03/03/2024 - 12:25

Missy or Tom,
Please send me the handout for "Reasonable Compensation for S Corps" that Paul talked about in his presentation for figuring out reasonable compensation.
Thank you.
Bruce A Zirpel