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Denise Brown
The Six Stages of Caregiving
Guest Expert: Denise Brown and Sandy Adams, CFP®

This session featured a pioneer in the field of caregiving, Denise Brown, and a financial planner, Sandy Adams, CFP, who has a Masters in the field of Gerontology. During this 90-minute program, Denise and Sandy taught listeners about the experiences of their clients who care for a family member. Throughout the caregiving journey, which can last from six months to more than 10 years, the role of family caregivers evolves – and so should the services and the support they receive. The Six Caregiving Stages describes the path that family caregivers take – from Expectant Caregiver, to Freshman Caregiver, to Entrenched Caregiver, to Pragmatic Caregiver to Transitioning Caregiver to Godspeed Caregiver. Most important, the stages – and their related Stumbles and Steadies — provide a map for financial planners to effectively support their clients throughout their experiences.

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The Six Stages of Caregiving 10-30-2024

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