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How Reverse Mortgages can mitigate market volatility, provide retirement income and more 05-23-2024

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Wade Pfau: How Reverse Mortgages can mitigate market volatility, provide retirement income and more
Presented by Wade Pfau, PhD, CFA, RICP®, RISA Profile
Wade Pfau

Retirement researcher Wade Pfau has extensively researched reverse mortgages and has identified numerous ways a reverse mortgage can help clients secure their retirement. In fact, he's written a book on this very idea! In this webinar, Wade explained how reverse mortgages work, how a reverse mortgage credit line can mitigate market volatility (and longevity), lower withdrawal rates, and how monthly reverse mortgage payments can provide retirement tax-free income. Wade also presented case studies that illustrate the impact of using a reverse mortgage to delay Social Security, eliminate monthly mortgage payments and preserve an investment portfolio.

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