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What Clients Should Consider when Buying OR Renewing a Medicare Plan
Presented by Melinda Caughill,
Melinda Caughill

This highly rated session features Medicare expert Melinda Caughill a phenomenal  Medicare presentation. Melinda covered a lot of ground in this 75-minute session, with one of the best explanations I’ve heard on Medicare Advantage plans. 

Who should listen? Anyone who is nearing Medicare eligibility, anyone currently on a employer plan trying to determine how to transition to Medicare and anyone on Medicare trying to understand how their plan works and what options may be available to them. So, yes, anyone trying to understand Medicare should listen! 

Highlights include:

  • A thorough explanation of when you need to decide on Medicare and the penalties for not making a timely decision 
  • How Medicare works with employer health insurance plans, large and small 
  • What’s covered with Original Medicare 
  • Detailed explanation of Medicare Advantage plans and the out-of-pocket costs
  • How Medigap polices work and what they cover
  • Health Savings Accounts: contributions and qualified expenses
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