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La Rae Mills
What’s New In Long-Term Care
Guest Expert: La Rae Mills

Long-term care continues to be a hot-button issue in today’s news cycle. As your clients continue to hear about the growing need, budding costs, and potential legislation, you need to be prepared to discuss long-term care planning options with them. In this session, The Krause Agency's Insurance Operations Manager, La Rae Mills, (who manages their LTCI relationships) covered the how to plan and pay for long-term care while she also addressed newer product options and current legislation impacting long-term care insurance.

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What’s New In Long-Term Care 10-11-2024

Attendees Rating:

Excellent (86%)
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Attendees Comments:

A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:

I didn't know that short-term care insurance was a product, although it's not available in the states where most of my clients are located.
- Michael D.

Reinforced information about LTC and the various research about the increasing costs, increasing aging population, and need for accurate information for decisions.
- Dominic D.

Current state of the LTCi industry
- Larry F.
A few comments from listeners when they were asked what the learned from the webinar:

I didn't know that short-term care insurance was a product, although it's not available in the states where most of my clients are located.
- Michael D.

Reinforced information about LTC and the various research about the increasing costs, increasing aging population, and need for accurate information for decisions.
- Dominic D.

Current state of the LTCi industry
- Larry F.